Which HTML Attribute is used to justify the content ?
The HTML attribute is used to justify-content is the align attribute. The align attribute of <p> tag is used to justify the text on a web page. This can be done by assigning the value to the aligned attribute as justified. The justification of the text aligns the text in such a way that it occupies equal horizontal space from both the left and right margins of a web page improving its appearance....
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ReactJS CORS Options
In ReactJS, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS requests refers to the method that allows you to make requests to the server deployed at a different domain. As a reference, if the frontend and backend are at two different domains, we need CORS there....
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ASP.NET MVC Life Cycle
The goal of this article is to provide a good understanding of the MVC pipeline. The life cycle is basically is set of certain stages which occur at a certain time....
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What to understand Callback and Callback hell in JavaScript ?
JavaScript, a single-threaded language, relies on callbacks for handling asynchronous tasks. Callbacks execute code once an operation finishes. But as the code complexity increases, the risk of callback hell emerges....
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How to sort a map in JavaScript ?
We will see how to sort the Map according to the value of the keys....
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Axios in React Native
Axios is a widely used HTTP client for making REST API calls. You can use this in React Native to get data from any REST API....
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What is NODE_ENV in Node ?
In Node.js, NODE_ENV is an environment variable used to define the current environment in which the Node.js application is running. It plays a crucial role in configuring the behavior of the application based on different environments such as development, staging, and production. This article delves into the significance of NODE_ENV, its usage, and best practices for managing environments in Node.js applications....
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Basic Registration and Login Form Using React Hook Form
In ReactJS, creating a form can be a nightmare as it involves handling inputs and validating inputs. React-hook-form is a ReactJS library that simplifies the process of creating forms....
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Next VS React
JavaScript has become more powerful and popular. It has a vast ecosystem and a large community which is increasing rapidly. React has become the most loved and used JavaScript library among developers to create Single Page Application and Next is an open-source web development React-based framework created by Vercel, which is famous for its unique features such as Server-side rendering and enhanced SEO....
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Difference between throw Error(‘msg’) and throw new Error(‘msg’)
The throw statement allows you to create an exception or a custom error. The exception can be like a Javascript string, a number, a boolean, or an object. So, If you use this statement together with the try…catch statement. It allows you to control the flow of the program and generate accurate error messages. For example: throw “too small” (throw a text), throw 500 (throw a number), etc....
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How to scroll down to bottom of page in selenium using JavaScriptExecutor
Selenium is an open-source popular web-based automation tool. The major advantage of using selenium is, it supports all browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, works on all major OS and its scripts are written in various languages i.e Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, etc. In this article, we will be working with Java and selenium to automate the scrolling of the webpage....
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How to log-out user from app using ReactJS ?
The objective of this article is to how we can set up, log out a user, and retrieve data from local memory User Browser storage in the React app. During the sign-in session, we will save the user details to the browser’s local storage, and also during the time of logout, we will remove the user’s details from the local storage....
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